What I tried to create was with this first one was a classic, timeless look that goes well with any modern franchise. I wanted to capture America with this look. I figured the best way to capture America, without using stars in the design, that I’d use a classic, traditional look to best replicate that American feel, so to speak (I love our sports heritage and wanted to capture that). I also thought since the Griffins have a modern, conservative look that going vintage wouldn’t be too much of a stretch. I tried to integrate the team’s colors with this look with a few tweaks of my own to pull off the vintage look, knowing that they’ll be wearing red bottoms. My style is simple, clean and effective. It may not appeal to everyone, but that's what I like to do most.
All that said, it’s been a blast and a real learning experience (first time using Illustrator). I’ve enjoyed creating something, with the help of PuckDrawn’s tutorials--which have been very, very helpful.
So what's the deal, right? Well, over at PuckDrawn there is a design competition for the Grand Rapids Griffins of the AHL (American Hockey League). The creator of the blog was contacted by a representative of the team to come up with a jersey/logo creation for the annual New Years Eve game.

The colors: The colors I wanted to keep within the palette of the Griffins. I wanted the red to be minimal but not scarce. The blue is a variation of their current colors but toned down and a little darker. The dark blue is something they currently have on their jerseys, and dark blue and red go well together. This whole look says American, with it's red white and blue concept.
When I think New Years, ultimately, I think America --because I am an American. Sometimes it never registers that the whole world celebrates New Years. But since this team is an American-based team, a Michigan-based team, I felt it was important to use their colors and America's colors, especially since it's for a special time of the year.
Ultimately, I always want to create something that everyone and their grandparents can enjoy and wear, if possible.